Our Wayward Fate Exclusive Content

Welcome, welcome to the entrance into the OUR WAYWARD FATE preorder content!

Ticket for entry: OUR WAYWARD FATE preorder or library request receipt emailed to
GChaoPreorder @ gmail . com
(without spaces)

If you’re ready, click the picture below to pass through into the world behind


Preorder links for your convenience:
IndieBound | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Book Depository

This preorder campaign is open to everyone (including international), and receipts can be from any date up to and including October 22nd, 2019, which is one week after the release date (October 15th).

Exclusive content includes an exclusive scene, a video of me doing kung fu, a chance to name a future character/animal/thing in one of my future books, access to the farm pun off, some origami pictures and instructions related to the book, and the opportunity to ask me questions.